Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Cooking Class Part Uno

            Yesterday we all participated in a food class. We were taught by a professional chef how to make an authentic Italian meal. The chef himself had written a book on his love for food and has been cooking for pretty much his entire life as he was raised in a resturant in Italy. He had a particular liking for salts and collected them from all over the world. He had salts from Austrailia, Italy, and Mt. Washington to name a few. I never knew that one salt could be so different from another, but he let us smell the Mt. Washington salt and it smelled like a burnt wood kind of smell.

            As an appetizer we prepared a tomato skinned and stuffed with eggplant, zuccini,  red peppers, shalats. It was then placed on top of a zuccini pesto. The pesto was amazing, it had kind of a creamy, thick taste to it. I easily could have eaten the appetizer itself as a meal.

            For first dish we had freshly made pasta with a ragu made of onions, carrots, celery, rabbit, turkey, and chicken. Again it was amazing. The pasta was made by flattening out the dough made of primarily eggs and two different types of flour. From there, the sheets of pasta are put through another press and formed into the small spaghetti strand that we all know. The pasta was then boiled and mixed with our ragu. And to top everything, he fried up some basil leaves. I never knew basil leave could be eatin that was but it tasted almost like a very light potato chip.

            Then came the veal. It was small thin pieces of veal cooked and topped with a mushroom and white wine dressing. It was amazing, like the rest of the food. I didn’t indulge as much into this because I was incredibly full at this  point, but it was still awesome.

            Last but not least came the dessert, which was a cream based kind of gelatin with a lemon vanilla flavor to it. We then topped that with fresh raspberries and blackberries and our home made strawberry dressing. The best meal I have ever had…..until next week.

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